By Young Joo Choi
It was as if a shredding company had dumped its remains on the floor of Day Care. Another day of arts and crafts meant endless giggles and shrieks but also a very messy clean up session, which was very much worth it. As we split up into little groups, everyone was armed with a pair of scissors to battle their newspapers with. While some were methodical, cutting out faces of politicians and famous actresses, some were creating an art of their own. One boy handed me pieces of paper that was left open for interpretation while another boy presented me with Emma Watson!
Perhaps the most memorable child of this week would be the one little girl who was the most energetic one of all. Apparently, when she first started to come to CanSupport's Day Care, she would not leave her grandmother's side, but now, she was tackling me to the ground and yanking my hair as if she were controlling the reins on a horse. She was the only one who was not participating in the crafts activity today. I noticed that her gate and the rest of the movements had a tremor, which would make using scissors difficult. Rather than cutting, we began a snowball fight with crumpled newspapers. When we were given empty water bottles to stuff (to be utilized in making stools later), I held the bottle for support while she calculatingly shoved the remnants of our newspaper battle down the hole. If there is one thing that I have learned during these few weeks while working with children, it is that every child, regardless of his or her abilities, has the capability to fulfill any task. It is only a matter of our creativity to cater the activity so that every child is able to play with as much joy and enthusiasm as possible.
After sending them home and untangling my hair, Amy and I started stuffing the bottles to the brim. The Day Care doesn't waste a drop. We were sweeping the scrap pieces of trimmings along with the dirt and hair off the floor... and everything went in the bottles! Amy and the rest of the volunteers ensure that all of the materials are being utilized to their fullest!
For teenage Day Care this week, Shirley, a volunteer from Israel, came for a meditation session. The teenagers and adults made their respective circles. Her smooth voice lulled over the crowd, enough to put the guy next to me into a deep sleep. Seeing the difference between the quietest and most chaotic moments this group can be is mesmerizing. The next moment, music was booming through speakers and a dance party ensued. You can see some of the goofy and more outgoing teenagers dancing to their heart's content in the middle while the more shy group clapped along with grins on their faces. And this day, just like every other day, they left CanSupport with a full bag and a full heart.